Nevirapine Oral Suspension Dispenser

Pediatric Dosing Information

The current Prescribing Information (PI) of Nevirapine oral suspension (50mg/5mL) for pediatric patients 15 days and older, recites highly precise dosing by body surface area (m2). The recommended dose is of 150 mg/m2 once daily for 14 days followed by 150 mg/m2 twice daily thereafter. The total daily dose should not exceed 400 mg for any patient.1

Conversely, the preparation and administration directions provide for a recommended dose based upon a m2 range and not to an individual child’s specific m2see table 1. This dosing regimen provides for highly variable dosing and perhaps subtherapeutic or supratherapeutic doses to already significantly compromised children within the defined BSA ranges.

The recommended dosing does not provide a consistent accurate dose of 150 mg to a child’s individual m2 as clinically recommended for Nevirapine oral suspension for pediatric use, see table 2.

The Dose-Weight Syringe® is specifically calibrated to administer a patient specific dose of Nevirapine oral suspension to the optimal dose of 150 mg/m2 as clinically recommended.

Table 1. Calculation of the Volume of Nevirapine Oral Suspension (50 mg per 5 mL) Required for Pediatric Dosing Based on Body Surface and a Dose of 150 mg/m2

Table 2. Current dosing verses Dose-2-Weight Dosing

Not Available in All Territories.
All labeling and dosing representation on this website is for informational and promotional purposes only.  It should not be used for prescribing or administering these products. Please contact your physician or a health care professional for all preparation and administration directions.